Bridgetown, Barbados info@mnd-marketing.com

Facebook: I like you, I like you not.

As a Marketing & Social Media Consultant, nothing frustrates me more than Facebook. It is the bane and saviour of my existence. But why the love/hate relationship you may ask? Others who use Facebook for business will understand what I’m talking about, however, if you don’t, here’s why our relationship is such a roller coaster ride.

Editorial: Profile of Damian McKinney for Jamaque PARADIS Magazine

I have never considered myself a writer. At this point, I still don’t. However, the Universe has been sending me writing opportunities left, right and centre, so I guess it is telling me this is a skill I need to develop.

These opportunities have led me to meet some inspiring people along with way and to learn more about business on my island, Barbados. One of these opportunities has been with Jamaque PARADIS – a Caribbean luxury, lifestyle publication based in Miami. If you’re looking for a copy of PARADIS while you’re in Barbados, we’re currently distributed at over 33 locations across the island and that number is growing.

5 Tips to Becoming A Social Media Ninja

Welcome to my dojo – are you ready to master the art of social media? Well, you have come to the right place!

Let us begin…

In the age of this digital revolution, many entrepreneurs have incorporated social media into their overall business strategy. While some are opting to outsource this vital activity to qualified professionals, others are more willing to do it themselves. As an entrepreneur and potential social media ninja, which side are you on?

Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About: Social Media & Your Small Business

Should I be on social media? That’s the question I get asked most from my small business clients. Every marketer or social media consultant I know would give the same answer – Yes!

So now that most small business owners know that having a social media presence is a must, there are still some who question its validity, especially on the small island of Barbados where I’m based. The reasons however, are globally oriented.