Bridgetown, Barbados info@mnd-marketing.com

10 Quick Tips to Leverage Your Content Marketing


In the Digital Marketing world, Content Marketing has become the hottest trend to maximise your marketing strategy. Done right, it captures the desired audience’s attention and makes your brand unforgettable.

So what really is Content Marketing?

According to the Content Marketing Institute, Content Marketing is “a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

So where does Content Marketing fit in your marketing plan? Here are some tips to consider when creating content to achieve your business objectives.

1. Research, Research, Research

Before adding content marketing into your marketing mix, you must first do your research. It is vitally important to research industry related trends to see which content performs the best based on audience engagement. Researching also includes seeing what your competitors are doing and drawing inspiration from them based on what keeps their audience engaged. Be careful not to steal any of your competitors work!

Ask A Pro: Managing Stress As An Entrepreneur w/ Dr. Natalie Moore


It’s that dreaded word that has a variety of meanings to many different people but can have such a mighty impact on the way we live our lives. Managing stress is of the utmost importance in this day and age as the effects of stress can be damaging both physically as well as mentally. This is especially true for entrepreneurs who are constantly torn in multiple directions while striving to be successful in their chosen fields. As one myself, I can very much relate.

So I wanted to find out what I could to do to manage my stress and achieve that work-life balance that I so strongly desired. As such I got a chance to sit down and chat with Dr. Natalie Moore, a Registered Psychologist with more than 12  years clinical, teaching and research experience and who also happens to be my cousin :).

Q: I’ve often heard the road to psychology is a long and hard one. What made you decide to choose it as a profession?

A: Yes, psychology is a long and hard road. Within this region, [Barbados] a psychologist  can be registered to practice with a Masters Degree. However, internationally, a Doctorate is needed for the practice of psychology. I chose psychology when I finally became aware of mental health. That is, I realised that many people were living their lives in psychological distress unaware that help was available; that life could be better, less painful.

Staying Motivated: The Solopreneur’s Challenge

I haven’t blogged in almost a year. Yup, it’s almost been 12 full months. The desire was there but the motivation to act on that desire wasn’t.

As a solopreneur [an entrepreneur who works alone] sometimes your focus can be so intent on providing for your clients that you neglect your own business needs, like blogging which can help boost your profile, website and attract more clients.

So what has all of a sudden spurned me into action? I decided  to re-do and simplify my website. As a visual person, I wanted something that attracted not just me to the site but avid readers and potential clients as well. I wanted to focus more on sharing my journey and knowledge as a digital marketer and social media consultant as I have learned a lot over these past years, especially on my small island of Barbados.

Leveraging Culture for International Social Media Success

In the 21st century, culture and its importance to business and brand prosperity cannot be negated.

What really is culture and why is it so important?
Wikipedia explains that culture is “central to the way we live, experience and engage all aspects of our lives and the world around us.” In essence, it is the total sum of our attitudes, customs and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people from another.

You may be asking, how does this relate to social media success on an international scale?

It is important to realise that we live and operate on a global playing field. Through technology, the Internet and social media, we’re no longer confined to doing business in one physical location and frankly, that’s awesome. It’s the reason that I, living in Barbados, am able to share this blog post with many around the world. However, to be successful in social media away from home, you need to be aware of the culture of the market you’re looking to enter. In the long run, this can ensure significant business success.